Friday, September 26, 2008

Winter: an altered book

I finally finished my first altered book. I made it as a tribute to a very beautiful Tori Amos song Winter, which you should listen to while you read this post. I started with a children's board book. These are very easy for beginner altered artists. I picked some of my favorite song lyrics and created a page for each line. I tried to pick lyrics that gave a flavor of the song.

Winter: a tribute to Tori Amos
The snowflakes, flowers, and "winter" text are all embossed stamps. The spine is covered with a metal screen ribbon.

"i get a little warm in my heart"
This is a simple tear collage. I collaged on light card stock.

"when i think of winter"
The background picture of the bird is a picture I took and altered in Photoshop. The blue leaves are from a magazine, which is where most of my collage images come from.

"boys get discovered as winter melts"
Image of boys behind the peeling image and an embossed stamp to try to cover the Cliniqe logo.

"flowers competing for the sun"
The background image is again one I took and then manipulated in Photoshop. I printed it on grey cardstock. The "film" is just cut from a magazine, not actual film.

"skating around the truth of who i am"
The background image is a picture I took of Brian and altered in Photoshop. I printed that on grey cardstock and added the image. This was my first page. I got the inspiration for it while driving home from work, listening to Winter, which I did a lot of while making this project.

"but i know dad the ice is getting thin"
The background image is of long icecicles, which I found on the internet and altered in Photoshop. That was printed on grey cardstock, and then I stapled parchment paper on top to give it a frosty look. It didn't photograph well.

"hair is grey and the fires are burning"
This point of the song gets a little intense, so I wanted the imagery to relfect that. Both of these images came from old National Geographics, which are wonderful for collaging (by the way).

"so many dreams on the shelf"
I painted the page black with acrylic paint and then glued this image onto it. I really feel like I ripped off this neat image. It was and ad for some kind of alcohol, but the image is so pretty. If I were trying to sell this book, it might be a problem.

"he says, when you gonna make up your mind"
Nothing special here. Just paper glued together.

"when you gonna love you as much as i do"
Again, very simple. Paper and glue.

"'cause things are gonna change so fast"
I made this when I was drunk as a skunk. The line connecting the butterfly stages are star sequins, which are constantly falling out. I sort of like the change metaphor (I'm not very good with metaphors).

"all the white horses have gone ahead"
Not my height of creativity, but at some point I just wanted to finish the dang thing. The glue wrinkling was unfortunate. I'm not sure what was going on here, but the glue stick worked much better than the white glue. Ah well.

"i tell you that i'll always want you near"
These two pages are shamelessly stolen from diamond jewelry ads. I used silver sharpy to trace over the white lines (which is hard to tell from the pictures). Then obviously I covered the jewelry with the earth picture. These pages were also tragically wrinkled.

"you say that things change"
So sad.

"my dear"
The last words of the song are "my dear," so it seemed appropriate to stamp that on the back, which is hard to see from the picture. The snowflake stamp is embossed. The paper is just crinkled and glued on.

So this was pretty fun. I don't feel like I've found my craft niche, but I have more projects up my sleeve. :)

Thanks for reading!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

See my big girl shoes

As a general rule, I hate to presume that my personal life would be interesting to other people. I do not have great wisdom to impart. I wish. However, I enjoy reading about other people’s experiences in this crazy, mixed up world, so maybe you do too. So with insecurities on the table, I’ll get on with my blog already.

Have you ever been downtown in a major city in the morning while everyone is going to work? And you see all the young professionals, probably just graduated, walking to work, looking all cute? When I see these guys, I always think, “That’s what I want.” They could be going to jobs that they hate and be coming from crappy apartments that they share with people they don’t like because they can’t afford to live alone, but none of that matters because I can only see the glory of it all. I only see them waking up and making breakfast in the morning with a significant other, maybe reading the news; walking to a respectable little job, not a career, but a good starting point; doing something all day that sounds much more interesting when explained to friends than it really is to do all day; and then walking back home and making dinner and talking about our days or maybe catching a happy hour with friends.

And maybe this type of life is novel and exciting to me only because I haven’t done it yet. I have been a student since I was 5 years old (the last 21 years of my life for those of you wondering). This has been continuous except for summer breaks. And I am so grateful for my education, which I have single-handedly taken my time getting through. My boyfriend jokes sometimes that plenty of people take 9 years to graduate – they’re called doctors. Haha.

But here I am, in my final year of my master’s program, the end in sight. Part of me is thrilled to be finished with lectures and papers and ridiculous schedules, and part of me is terrified to face the real world without having my “student excuse.” It’s a good reason to have accomplished so little by age 26.

Luckily for me, I have a nice little transition year. I am taking classes, but I also have a field placement (internship) 3 days a week. I also work (for money) 2 days a week. But this field placement is the perfect thing to get me sort of ready for the real world with the security of still being in school.

And yesterday was my very first day. I had to drive instead of walk, which took away from that romantic image I have, but my parking garage is about 10 blocks away, so I could still pretend I was walking there. I was wearing a new outfit and feeling pretty good until I hit some serious traffic.

So by the time I parked, I had to practically run to get there on time, which would have been fine except that I was wearing new shoes (real cute ones). They were hurting my heels pretty bad, but I anticipated this and packed 2 bandaids. Then I noticed that the bottom of my pant leg felt wet, and when I looked to see what I stepped in, I saw that my heels were a bloody mess. No time now! I hobbled into the old, stately building and tried to find my way through the sea of identical cubicles.

I eventually found the right one, and everything was OK after that. I ducked into the bathroom and cleaned up my feet and legs. Of course, by the end of the day, I had to actually tape the bandaids to my heels and my feet were still messed up pretty bad.

But I learned about all the very important-sounding things I would be doing this year with the UMB Office of Community and Government Affairs – see how official that sounds? And I will have my own desk and email and everything!

I can barely believe that in a year from now, I will have my own little job, and maybe I can get up and eat breakfast, and walk to work, and then come home and have dinner, just like a real girl. I can’t wait!

And just a note to anyone who noticed that I haven’t blogged for about 2 months (thank you for noticing). Despite my best efforts to have a nice relaxing summer, I got so crazy busy with this job I took with the Fund for the Public Interest. And during the height of the craziness, I moved to a new apartment, which is pretty cool. You should come visit sometime. So I still need to finish 4 pages in my altered book, which I hope to do before school gets crazy busy, so I can post pictures of that on here too.

And then I don’t know what’s after that. Maybe I’ll lay off the crafts and just write blogs, which take less time. Anyway, thanks for reading!