Thursday, December 31, 2009

Top 10

I never get tired of Top 10 lists, and since they’re so abundant right now (what with the turn of the decade and all), I thought I’d throw one together for myself, especially since I haven’t been able to find time to blog lately - the real world is a busy place, my friends. So in only a roughly approximate order based on my perceived importance at this moment, here are the top 10 accomplishments that I can remember off the top of my head:

  1. I discovered my intense love for coffee. I really never drank the stuff until I started hanging out with Brian (who is hopelessly addicted). This is interesting because I grew up with coffee-drinking parents, but it never really occurred to me that I could drink it. Maybe because I thought of it as a “grownup” beverage, and since I am obviously not a grownup, it would be ridiculous for me to drink it. Anyway, I do now, and it’s awesome.
  2. I moved 12 times, starting in 2000 when I moved out of my parents’ house. I know, I know. That’s more than once a year, but I’m hoping I can finally grow some roots now that I graduated and don’t have to live like a student (wherever I can afford with whoever will have me).
  3. Patrick Stewart got knighted! I know this has nothing to do with me (except for the fact that I’m a huge fan – Way to go! You’re awesome!), but I could only come up with 9 things, and a top 9 list wouldn’t make any sense. So this one is dedicated to me still being a nerd after 10 years.
  4. I voted in my first 3 presidential elections, not once for the person who ended up becoming president, but that’s OK.
  5. I testified in the Maryland House of Delegates in support of the first same-sex marriage bill ever introduced in the state. That’s kinda cool (if I may say so myself).
  6. While in grad school, I wrote a grant proposal that got funding for a mentor-based afterschool program run by the University of Maryland, so that elementary and middle school students in West Baltimore will have mentors who are doctors, lawyers, dentists, social workers, nurses, or pharmacists (or graduate students learning to become those things). Not too shabby.
  7. I got a permanent full-time job in 2009. Now, I’ve had a lot of jobs. I’ve consistently held one job or another since I was 16, but this is my first “real” job. I’m kind of (not at all) a big deal.
  8. I became an aunt. Both of my younger sisters started families. It’s really interesting to watch a family dynamic change as everyone gets older and moves into new life stages.
  9. I met Brian in 2005 at Towson. I met a lot of great people in this decade who influenced my life, but none quite like him.
  10. I graduated! Four times. I got my high school diploma in 2000, my associate’s degree in 2005, my bachelor’s degree in 2007, and my master’s degree in 2009. It might be controversial that I listed this as my most important achievement of this decade, but it’s sort of the only goal I’ve had since I can remember. Like I’ve mentioned before, I’ve been in school since I was 5 years old, so the fact that I’m finally finished is sort of significant to me. Besides, it’s my list so I’ll do what I want!

That’s one good decade! Here’s to the next one being even better!!

Take it easy everyone!

P.S. I spent a bunch of time putting together this map because I thought it would be fun to add pictures to my list (I’m kind of a visual person), but it ended up being weird and taking a lot of time, so I scratched the idea. But here’s a map of all the places I’ve lived in the past 10 years. You can’t really see all 12 because some are too close together to tell the difference this far away. Kinda neat.