Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Wunder What?

So, uh, hey guys. I'm starting to feel like I've abandoned this blog. Two big updates: I bought a house and got engaged. The house thing took some time and effort, which I might have used to blog, but let's be real. I probably wouldn't have anyway. And the engagement thing didn't take any time at all on my part, so that isn't it.

The real world is interesting. Graduating is kind of like having a baby. You know you're going to be busy, but you think you'll still have tons of time to do stuff when the little monkey's sleeping. I had no idea I'd feel so busy after I graduated, but sure as shit, I am. It's weird.

So what am I trying to say? Well, I'm probably not going to blog for a while, at least not here, in this format. I'm not inspired enough, not witty enough, not regular enough. I don't have anything really cute to share. It's turning into an online journal where I constantly talk about how busy I am, which is boring, even to me. And now that I'm engaged, I'm going to be obsessed with wedding planning (in a good way), so that'll take even more of my time, and I'll have to post these annoying apologize-y blogs, so screw it.

But if you just can't get enough of me, I have started a Tumblr for wedding planning and inspiration, but I imagine that will appeal to a really small fraction of those of you who accidentally stumble on here somehow. And that's cool. If you're the .05% who does happen to be interested, you can read all about it at

For this last blog until who-knows-when, I'd like to tell you, beautiful reader, about how I named my blog - Wunderkammer. Wunderkammer is the German word for Cabinet of Curiosities, which is a cabinet of interesting items a person has collected in his or her travels. These were popular after humans had just discovered world travel and before we could travel anywhere, anytime and, therefore, see all of these things whenever we wanted. I actually have a curiosity shelf in my house with all of the bibelo my fiancée and I have collected in our travels, things like a piece of the Berlin Wall that Brian got in Germany, prayer cards my grandmother sends me, an antique vice, and a brick we found from the Great Baltimore Fire of 1904 (or so we're told). I also like wunderkammer because I think it's an apt description of my personality. I have really broad interests that don't really go together. Brian is the total opposite. He generally has one major thing he's into, and he basically devotes his life to it. When he was in college it was debate. Now it's politics. But I can't stay focused on one thing for more than a week. One week I'm obsessed with crocheting, the next I've moved on to building and fixing computers or making websites. It's actually amazing to me that I've had this blog for as long as I have even though the topics have themselves become a wunderkammer, and I'm not surprised that I'm ditching it for a new (ergo infinitely more interesting) type of thoughts-sharing media. So with that, I say goodnight.

Thanks for reading!!