Friday, April 25, 2008

Walk... you know, outside

I found this interesting thing on the internet that I wanted to share with you. It's a tool that allows you to map walks and view other people's walking routes. Well, I say walking because that's what I'm doing, but there are all kinds of routes: running, hiking, uh... other things. Anyway, to give you a preview of what these things look like, I mapped a route I actually walk in my neighborhood. It's an especially good dog walking route, which is what I labeled it.

View Interactive Map on

Unnecessary internet tools are actually one of my guilty pleasures. I know that more often than not, they waste more time than the minuscule benefit you receive by using them, but somehow I feel more productive if I've used a computer in the process. It's dumb, I know, but I'm a product of my generation. What can I say? I am not above the influence of media.

I also wanted to say that I am not advertising for I sort of think it's neat even though I'll probably never go back to the site. I have this tendency to sound like an advertiser when I blog, but I swear that's just my natural enthusiasm.

This is a pretty lame post, but I've been averaging about 1 blog a month, and April is slipping away faster than I can bring myself to blog, and with finals around the corner, I was afraid I would miss the opportunity entirely. I plan to do lots of fun stuff this summer, so just hold on to your hats.

So get off the internet and take a walk, run, or hike already! It's beautiful out there (unless you're reading this in the winter, in which case you're too late. You missed the nice weather!).
If at any point while reading this you asked yourself if I had some less-fun task I should be doing (like, I don't know, writing a paper), the answer is yes.

Take care!

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