Wednesday, January 7, 2009

In with the new (and some old)

Truth be told, after falling behind in my blogging, I wanted to delete this blog and start a new one, but I'm trying not to be a part of the throw-away culture, so I'm trying to update the old one. Now, before I start new blogging, there are a couple of things I meant to blog about but got too lazy. Here is a super quick recap of the more interesting things I've done since the last time I posted:

October: On Halloween Brian and I got free burritos at Chipotle for dressing up like menu items.

November: I'm a crocheting fool.

December: Brian and I made holiday postcards and sent them to friends and family.

And we moved to Mobtown! We're both much closer to work and school - I can see my campus library from my bedroom window. Our roommate gave us a sweet deal on rent, so we have an awesome apartment totally out of our current price-range. So I've been trying to create a nest in the apartment, explore the neighborhood, and make some local friends (all while trying not to flunk out of graduate school). Tomorrow Brian and I are going on our first date since moving to Baltimore, so maybe I'll blog about that.

It's kinda sad that I can recap three months so quickly, but I've also been busy with school and internships and work, which is my excuse for falling off the bloggin' bandwagon. Anyway, more to come.

Happy New Year!!

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