Wednesday, July 8, 2009

More show and tell

Things are going pretty well. I'm enjoying the fun things that summertime in Baltimore has to offer. I'm applying like mad for permanent jobs (even though I'd love to stay where I am). I'm looking for a new place to live (yes, again). And I've been busy with politics. Oh yeah, I still love not having homework. I actually read for fun now. It's pretty awesome. Here are some pictures from my phone for ya:

Even though I'm not religious, I do appreciate a dramatic church. This is a beautiful one in Mount Vernon, which I pass on my walk home from work.

I think a lot of people from Baltimore will be familiar with this image, which is spray painted on a boarded up building (what? in Baltimore?) at the corners of Howard and Franklin. I think the image is striking, but I always think about how difficult this must have been to create. Like, the stencil must have been really big, making it hard to carry around and hold up while someone spray painted. You know? Anyway, I like it. Here's a link to the street view on Google Maps.

Here is a picture from St. Mary's park in Seton Hill from Paca St. I dream of buying a house in Seton Hill. I can see myself walking the dog in this park every morning.

Brian and I went down to the Inner Harbor to catch the fireworks on the 4th of July. They were pretty nice. As we walked in, all of a sudden people started to run away all panicked. Well, I panicked too and just stood there like a big oaf. Good thing Brian is an Eagle Scout because he handled the situation very well, getting us both behind a big slab of concrete. We still aren't sure what caused the stampede, but we caught about the last 10 minutes of the show from a different vantage point.

I've been told by more than one person that I am domestically challenged. And it's probably true, but I've managed to keep myself alive, so I try not to worry about it too much. Also, sometimes I do cook things, like this eggplant & spinach lasagna. I actually make quite a bit of veggie lasagna, among other interesting culinary delights.

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