Wednesday, May 27, 2009


I didn't realize it had been so long since I last blogged. I'm going to try not to get all apologize-y about it because that doesn't make for a very interesting blog post, but dang; it's been more than two months.

So... I graduated. Yup. I'm a master now. Remember when I blogged about my internship last September? My last day is tomorrow, which is sad. I do have a job lined up, but it only has funding for a few months so I hesitate to get all giddy about being a grown-up until I secure something more permanent. There. Now you're caught up.

Maybe I need to rethink this blog. I'm not going to blog about my professional life (I don't think). I might be over blogging about crafty stuff. I like crafting, but I'm not that good at it. Plus I'm really lazy about taking pictures so even the stuff that turns out OK ends up looking shitty because I took a terrible picture of it. I thought I might blog about the things I do around Baltimore, which I could still do, but there are plenty of other, more interesting people doing that already. I could get really personal, but I think I would come across as less mentally stable than I manage to be most of the time (I tend to want to write when I'm particularly moody and broody, which could get old real quick).

I guess I'll just stick with the tried and true: write what you know. If I'm doing something neat, I'll blog about it. If you think it's boring, too bad. It's my blog. I mean, that's the whole point right?

So tomorrow evening I'm going to another Bread & Puppet show at 2640. These are always a good time. There are lots of potential activities for this weekend, but Brian and I haven't really talked about plans yet, so who knows what we'll get into. Maybe I'll blog about it.

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